Bsats is here an unofficial ios/android app for Stacker.News. The app is straightforward, has dark mode, and is simple to use. Bsats is in its early days but has some stickiness to it!
Bsats - the first ios / android app for is finally out!
— Stacker News Feed (@StackerNewsFeed) October 26, 2022
Link: is like Hacker News but it pays you #bitcoin
What is Stacker.News?

SN is a place where, people who are passionate about Bitcoin can talk about Bitcoin, using Bitcoin.
Bsats is here
I just downloaded it and I love it already !!!
— I Satoshi with you ⚡️⚡️⚡️ (@Bestforyourlife) October 26, 2022
Bsats is a simple Stacker News client for iOS and Android
Bsats is the first IOS app for For the last two months, a stacker named @kale has been building the app for quietly in the background. He mentioned that he was close to finishing in August and was ready for feedback.

- Tabbed Interface for easy navigating
- Bookmark favorite posts
- Dark Mode
- Image Zoom and View mode
- Full Markdown Rendering
- Fancy Profile Page
My initial thoughts...

I love the initiative to quietly build and drop projects like this into the space. More people need to do this, and we should get excited when this happens. Also, love that @kale took the time to build an ios/android client out of the gate. Great way to capture the wider audience and compare and contrast data later (also, .apk is a nice touch.) Reading inside of Bsats is very lovely, especially with dark mode on. It goes edge to edge and has a flawless look to boot. Two buttons at the bottom, one for lightning and one for the user profile. Perfection. Choosing from Recent, Home, Post, and Comments is all I need right now. Also 🔥 emojis are neat. It is only read-only, but I am okay with that for now once the lightning wallet gets added with sat tipping. SN becomes a game changer on mobile!
You can download the app from:
Apple Store
Google Play
For Android users, you can also dl the apk from releases here.
💫 Fun fact: Stacker News had a lofi mockup back in April. Was created by og stacker @nout