Remember Craigslist? It was an American classified ads website with sections devoted to jobs, housing, for sale items wanted services and gigs..etc. Well that is over now. Introducing the next version of craigslist. Satifieds with lightning.
The decoupling of Web 2.0 has begun and the result has become removing everything ad ridden and replacing it with a clean lightning gloss. Obviously to plebs this makes sense.
A ⚡ flow approach
Most users on insert ⚡ project here platform will form a community around it. It is early but very promising. Satisfieds has already achieved a cleaner design than craigslist. Low hanging fruit? Sure but was very much needed. ⚡Tip: A clean design with simplicity from start to finish keeps users coming back for more.
Sure one might say what about $5 wrench attacks?
Highly unlikely if one is able to prove his identity via telegram and twitter (and meeting in public area obvs 🙄.) I see the spam being a bigger issue for the average Satisfieds poster but clearly treatable. Using an escrow approach also could send and receive sats for shipped products as well.
In a world of the inflating dollar transacting with bitcoin in your community will be the only way. It is still early days over at Satisfieds but communities like these spring up gradually then suddenly (see SN.) The vast majority of first users and builders of ⚡ projects all grew up with bitcoin. What better time than summer to build a new community.