Hoseki has been in stealth mode for the better part of 2022. They have slowly dripped out info in small tweets. Actively beating the drum about proof of reserves for a long time.
Peep the video below. ⤵️
🤯 Today to everyones surprise they announced via BT early access to the Hoseki app.
How does Hoseki help me as a Pleb?
The fact remains traditional lenders all want one thing: Proof-of-Funds. Sure we can be Bitcoin rich and Fiat poor at the same time but we shouldn't be treated non credit worthy.
You can't open new lines of credit because lenders don't trust you! You don't have the capital on hand to engage in investment opportunities! You can't get a mortgage because the bank isn't happy with your bank account!
🤠 Hoseki to the Rescue!
👍🏼 Its easy as ABC
- Connect your wallet and Bitcoin investment accounts
- Track your investments
- Generate your certificate of ownership
😎 Hoseki just helped you prove you have money in Bitcoin.
Hoseki is an app that lets users add their Bitcoin accounts in a way that proves their ownership, but doesn't give Hoseki custody over the funds. Its a no brainer for Plebs who live on the bitcoin standard vis-à-vis every bitcoiner in the Mecca. Now its just finding a fiat lender.