Helping other bitcoin communities especially people who reach out via telegram and bitcoin twitter is my kryptonite. For the longest time I really couldn't figure out how to help everyone at once. It all culminated last week, when a few Bitcoin Club and Meetup organizers decided to fly and drive into Austin. Each had their own different set of practical use cases they wanted to learn. Each were building with a different set of parameters based on the community in their respective towns. So with their permission I tweeted out the signal to get moar people involved.

Over the course of the next couple days I had many people reach out. I setup several conversations and zoom meetings but then ultimately opted instead to post an article answering these questions.

Over the course of 6 days I had 5 community leaders commit to coming. After this the plan was to compile a list of topics and guest speakers for the workshop. I reached out to my friend Michael Atwood. BOOM! He was on board. Next up was getting my best friend Keyan to assist me with the developer community building. BOOM! He was on board.

At the day of the Bitcoin community workshop we had a total of 2 community leaders actually make the trek out to Pleb Lab.

Two community bitcoin organizers @BTConnector_ @Money2BMrdredBy who attended the free workshop.

So it began we covered the following between 11am-1pm:

Super Testnet going over initial setup of Zaprite.

Part 1: Bitcoin Community Workshop

Bitcoin Community Workshop Discussion with everyone
Oshi Discussion with Michael Atwood
Azteco Discussion with Kyle Murphy
Stacker.News Discussion with Keyan
Creating Your Own Stack For Your Community with Car Gonzalez
How to Build a Community With Your People with everyone
How to Create More Bitcoiners in Your Town with Car Gonzalez
The Importance of Focusing Hyper Local with Car Gonzalez
Leadership Position in Community Coaching with Kyle Murphy
Developers Involved in Community Coaching with Keyan

After this we went and took a walk down to Snooze on the East Side of Austin. After about an hour and half break we got back into Pleb Lab and finished the rest of the workshop.

Part 2: Bitcoin Community Workshop

Introducing Businesses to Bitcoin with Michael Atwood
Sponsorship for your Community with everyone
Getting Assitance and Utilizing Your Own Bitcoin Network with everyone
Setting up Open Node / Zaprite with Super Testnet
Onboarding Local Buisnesses to Oshi with Michael Atwood
Building your Community Brand and Style with Car Gonzalez

We also shared some amazing books we all felt were absolutely critical to each of us developing our own communities. Some of the books that were shared were the following:

The Go-Giver
Get Together: How to Build a Community With Your People
Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
Thank God for Bitcoin: The Creation, Corruption and Redemption of Money

Part 4: Bitcoin Community Workshop Feedback

@Money2BMrdredBy giving feedback to us at the end of bitcoin community workshop

At the end of the workshop I wanted as much feedback as I could get. Here is what I got back.

  • Two Presentations Max with a 10 – 15 min break in between to discuss material.
  • Hard stops for time on each topic.
  • Everyone should have a print out of list of the topics.
  • Moar White Boarding Sessions.
  • Moar opportunity for questions.
  • Catering food instead of going out for Lunch.
  • It should be a 2 Day Workshop.

This was all great feedback and definitely something that can be added to the workshop. Also thought it was interesting they asked for a 2 day workshop instead of a 1 day workshop. Definitely makes sense as they likely felt it was a lot of information.

Part 5: Bitcoin Community Workshop Dinner

Our lovely host @MDono10 treating us to a great evening with Texas grilled steaks, grilled asparagus, twice over baked potatoes, wine and amazing friends.

Ultimately what I gathered at the end of the night was we all agreed community are an extremely important part of what we do now as Plebs. Its only going to become more important as time moves forward during these trying times. Next steps is to do this workshop again.


This time will figure out how to live stream the talks. ✌️