The world changed yesterday with the release of ⚡ over Cash app. But what also changed was the importance of already being a business on a Bitcoin standard.
Yesterday, Oshi businesses got a helping hand from Cash App. ⚡⚡⚡ Now millions of local shoppers, regardless of their bitcoin knowledge, can engage with the lightning network and support their local businesses offering bitcoin rewards.
⚡ Cash app Lightning is Crazy Seamless on Oshi app⚡
Now if you live in Austin the Bitcoin Mecca you can go to any Oshi onboarded business and use Cash app Lightning integration. Clearly the team at Oshi were ready on day one. 🤯 Phenomenal!
🔥🔥🔥 This is big for all the Plebs in our city we call home. Huge thanks to every one at Cash app and huge thanks to Michael Atwood for building Oshi and getting our local businesses on a bitcoin standard. Let us make it come to life.