For those out of the loop, Austin's very own Jimmy Song, along with authors Amanda Cavaleri, Annaliese Wiederspahn, Charline Fadirepo, CJ Wilson, Lamar Wilson, Pete Rizzo, and Gary Leland, have written a new book on Bitcoin that is now available for sale.
Just in time for Boxing Day!
— Jimmy Song (송재준) (@jimmysong) December 26, 2021
Available for sale on Amazon now!@GaryLeland @pete_rizzo_ @CharFadirepo
@Amanda_Cavaleri @str8edgeracer @bigmarh @wyomingirl
Bitcoin and the American Dream is a sorely needed novel in our current state. It touches on the hopelessness of the present form of the "American Dream" and the ways that Bitcoin can revitalize the ideal.
For many, there is no American Dream, only a nightmare. Financial stress and debt burdens weigh heavily. The system just feels rigged. Amidst this despair, Americans are finding hope in an unlikely place.
With the help of a new, alternative financial system, they are finding that they can now save for the long term. While some in Washington see a technology to be feared and dismissed, Americans see Bitcoin as an opportunity. For them, Bitcoin is proving a valuable tool for financial freedom and agency.
Across America, a broad and diverse coalition is forming. They believe Bitcoin unlocks the door to a revitalized American dream. This book is about that dream.
The American Dream is defined as “the ideal that every citizen of the United States should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative." With our money system being broken, it is plain to see how hard work, determination, and initiative might just not be enough. The fiat based monetary structure inherently provides differential treatment to those running it, while regular people are the ones who feel the negative impacts. Bitcoin allows everyday citizens to actually save their money over time, and therefor accurately plan for the future.

Bitcoin is a peaceful revolution, but the creation of the American Dream was not. Hopefully, this book can help convince Americans that our only non-violent hope for a resurgence of this ideal is through Bitcoin. We wish Jimmy the best of luck as he further orange pills the USA and world at large.

Also, if you are in the DC area this week, join Jimmy and the rest of the authors for a night of drinks and hors d'oeuvres! There will also be some capitol hill staffers on hand, all in an effort to help them understand Bitcoin better. More information HERE

Be sure to sign up for Jimmy Song's weekly newsletter Bitcoin Tech Talk to keep up to date with everything Bitcoin from a technical perspective. If interested in his latest book, Bitcoin and the American Dream: The New Monetary Technology Transcending Our Political Divide go grab it now on Amazon.