It's the equivalent of having two turntables and a microphone.

Lightning Labs has been releasing high voltage ⚡⚡⚡ meaning they have just released a major update to LSAT - Lightning Service Authentication Tokens.

The new protocol LSATs are a new standard protocol for authentication and paid APIs developed by Lightning Labs. LSATs can serve both as authentication, as well as a payment mechanism (one can view it as a ticket) for paid APIs. In order to obtain a token, we require the user to pay us over Lightning in order to obtain a pre-image, which itself is a cryptographic component of the final LSAT token.

Its okay Roasbeef is about to explain.

To catch up to speed on Lightning in general Jeff Wilser had a great writeup at CoinDesk back in July you should check out. Its a good primer for everything here.

Here is Olaoluwa Osuntokun explaining in a Hacker.News thread what exactly is LSATs.

What is Hacker.News? Like most Bitcoiners k00b said it best on Stacker.News

Of course Hacker.News showed its teeth with its next question to Olaoluwa.

Which Olaoluwa Osuntokun graciously answered so maybe they'll come around, it made the front page.

Currently right now they have a LSAT Playground with a live demo! Check it out below.

Lightning has the potential to serve as the de facto payment method, LSAT improves this drastically.

Check out all the links below for more information if you are considering jumping into LSAT. Also I would recommend to create some videos. These are hard to come by I was unable to find any during this write up. A quick demo in video format would help a lot of ⚡devs I'm sure.


LSAT: Lightning Service Authentication Token
GitHub - Tierion/now-boltwall: Vercel lambda deployment for a Nodejs Lightning-powered Paywall
Vercel lambda deployment for a Nodejs Lightning-powered Paywall - GitHub - Tierion/now-boltwall: Vercel lambda deployment for a Nodejs Lightning-powered Paywall
GitHub - lightninglabs/aperture: ⚡️HTTP 402 Lightning Service Authentication Token Reverse Proxy ⚡️
⚡️HTTP 402 Lightning Service Authentication Token Reverse Proxy ⚡️ - GitHub - lightninglabs/aperture: ⚡️HTTP 402 Lightning Service Authentication Token Reverse Proxy ⚡️
LSAT: Authentication and Payments for the Lightning-Native Web
Today we’re excited to announce the release of our draft of a specificationfor Lightning Service Authentication Tokens (LSAT). LSAT isa new protocol

and also the Builder's Guide to the LND Galaxy!

Welcome to the Builder’s Guide to the LND Galaxy!
This repository is designed as a home for those looking to learn about the Lightning Network, use and build on LND, Lightning Terminal, Loop, Pool as well as those developing their own LAPPS.

✌🏼&⚡be with you!