President Ronald Reagan, saw the film during an opening weekend screening at Camp David, Reagan was fascinated by the film, so much so that the following week he stopped a meeting regarding upcoming nuclear negotiations with the Russians to give everyone in the room a full breakdown of the plot. When he was finished, he asked General John W. Vessey Jr.—then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—to look into just how plausible the film was. Vessey did some research and determined that WarGames actually was a prescient indicator of a rising threat in the (then) very new world of cybersecurity. A little more than a year later, Reagan signed a classified national security directive titled “National Policy on Telecommunications and Automated Information Systems Security.” It was the first computer security directive given by a president, all because he’d seen a movie about a kid who wanted to play some computer games. - Mental Floss
I've been mulling over this idea for a while, and my understanding has been up and down. So, bear with me if it seems a little anxious or unclear—there isn't much straightforward information. A few tweets have helped, but the upcoming Bitcoin halving has sparked many ideas in my mind, helping me connect some dots.
Initially, I was intrigued by the long-term potential of starting a Bitcoin-based business and whether it's truly 'worth the effort.' This has been a recurring question in the bitcoin startup ecosystem since 2021 when I was first exposed. For some context (at the Lab, we often joke about whether we should all just opt for conventional jobs.) To say that working in the Bitcoin space is challenging would be an understatement.
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