Today we introduce comments into our website. When you look at the rest of our industry you quickly see they have removed all comment systems from their publications. I understand why after a couple interesting articles we released. Instead of those attacks being hurled towards me on twitter and my mailbox the discussion should stay on the Thriller Bitcoin. This is why the mainstream media doesn't understand itself. We do not want to fall into that same trap. No one wins in an echo chamber.
We are introducing membership comments because open dialog is important even when it is in disagreement. We want to give everyone the opportunity to discuss the article in question and/or express their opinion. But we need to filter out those who come not to share valid opinions or criticisms but to troll.
We encourage you to still share, tweet, post on reddit, or anywhere you'd like to leave your opinion.
How is this different?
Cove is very unique. Instead of adding an abstract layer of user data hosted independently somewhere else and sold off like Disqus, Commento, CommentBox do. Cove is built around our internal member and subscriber data already.
Cove harnesses our independent open source platform Ghost. It utilizes membership features like paid plans, member registration, user signing in, and enables comments and discussion around posts. Wondering about privacy? Absolutely, for more information on how this comment data is stored make sure to check out our Privacy page. The short answer is nothing is shared, sold or tracked. We have made it safe to comment about Bitcoin.
How does the Cove log in process work?
When commenting with Cove, you will register and sign in using Ghost's in-built authentication system.
Ghost log ins are password-less and use "magic links" over email. You will input your email address into a log in form and receive an email containing a link. Once clicking the link, you are logged in to the site. Cove recognizes your user session and enables the comment form on posts. Until you log out of the site, you will have access to Cove's commenting system.
Member Avatars? Yes Powered by Gravatar.
Your member's avatars in Cove are powered by Gravatar, Integrated on millions of sites, Gravatar is a free service for site owners, developers, and anyone else who wants an effortless and verified way to establish their identity online.
If you see a commenter with an image they are using Gravatar. If you haven't set up a Gravatar, your avatar will be a default grey user icon. It's not necessary, only if you choose to.
Thanks for attending my Ted Talk X