Happy Sat-urday Stackers,

Have a great weekend!

Top Posts
  1. Definitive explanation of my weird Bitcoin transaction
    • @vostrnad reveals themself as the artist behind the weird bitcoin transaction. They explain the transaction in detail, why they did it, and share the code that produced it.
    • 62.4k sats \ 38 comments \ @vostrnad
  2. Bitcoin Accepted - PoS systems
    • @DarthCoin shares a list of Bitcoin PoS systems and asks for ones he missed.
    • 3.1k sats \ 39 comments \ @DarthCoin
  3. Hedge against Inflation
    • @CarlBMenger describes how to prepare for hyperinflation financially and otherwise.
    • 3.4k sats \ 11 comments \ @CarlBMenger
  4. Ecash ecosystem map
  5. Looking back at a year of routing
    • @fopstronaut shares their journey going from a layer 2 skeptic to a lightning routing node operator with automated liquidity management all within a year.
    • 3.1k sats \ 10 comments \ @fopstronaut
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all of this week's top posts

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This day in Stacker News

a series by @Undisciplined

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Top Stackers
  1. @Undisciplined: 101.7k sats stacked
  2. @k00b: 89.8k sats stacked
  3. @Rsync25: 80.4k sats stacked
  4. @vostrnad: 71.6k sats stacked
  5. @Bell_curve: 68.1k sats stacked

Top Spenders
  1. @k00b: 256k sats spent
  2. @Bell_curve: 150.5k sats spent
  3. @south_korea_ln: 112.4k sats spent
  4. @Public_N_M_E: 109.3k sats spent
  5. @MaxAWebster: 104.1k sats spent

Top Cowboys
  1. @k00b: 412 days
  2. @BitcoinIsTheFuture: 309 days
  3. @Undisciplined: 291 days
  4. @OneOneSeven: 284 days
  5. @BlokchainB: 270 days

  1. Everything Engineer #2 \ Stacker News \ Austin or Remote

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A guy who works on Stacker News

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