Happy Sat-urday Stackers,
On Monday July 4th, Americans will celebrate declaring their independence from Great Britain 246 years ago. Early American currencies were predictably bad, a mix of precious metal coins, bills of credit which were largely fiat, and commodities. Shortly before our independence, we created the fiat Continental Currency which collapsed only a handful of years later and prompted us to declare only gold and silver worthy payments of debt in The United States Constitution but ... that didn't last very long did it?
Exercise and celebrate your sovereignty this weekend stackers!
Upcoming AMA: Moritz Kaminski, CEO & Co-Founder of Alby, will be doing an AMA on Tuesday July 5th at 10a CT. Alby is an awesome Lightning web browser extension bringing both Lightning functionality and authentication to your browser.
Top Posts
- Oscar Merry, CEO & Co-Founder of Fountain, had their AMA. We learn about Fountain's potential to add audiobooks and music, the impact of keysends on Lightning scalability, whether paying users obscures product-market signaling, and much more!
- Seth for Privacy shared a python script that aggregates offers from Bisq, HodlHodl, and RoboSats. Hint for builders: users really want something like this but with a GUI.
- Holy mac-kerel. 9to5Mac, a popular Apple news site, wrote a favorable story on Podcasting 2.0, Fountain, and Bitcoin. The comments are filled with FUD, but any positive article from a non-bitcoin news source is always a treat.
- Stacker News user felix wrote original content for SN on why they believe the Bitcoin startup ecosystem is set to explode.
- Bernard Parah, CEO & Co-Founder of Bitnob, did an AMA. We learn about internet infrastructure in Africa, Bitcoin usage in Nigeria, Bernard being a poultry farmer before studying computer science, and much more.
Don't miss
- Stephen Delorme, prominent member in the Bitcoin design community, wrote a great piece on Designing for Taproot
- Nic Carter, Bitcoin FUD buster extraordinaire, addresses the recent controversy surrounding his alt-coinery and makes some interesting criticisms of Bitcoin: Setting the record straight.
view all of this week's top posts
Top Jobs
- Experienced Software Engineer & Remnant \ Plebeian.Technology \ Remote
- Mobile app developer - React Native \ Bitrefill \ Sweden or Remote
- Backend Developer \ Bitrefill \ Sweden or Remote
- Frontend Developer \ Bitrefill \ Sweden or Remote
- DevOps Engineer \ Bitrefill \ Sweden or Remote

Main guy who works on Stacker News