Do you have information or data relevant to the space or perhaps something you would like us to investigate? The best way of sharing this with us securely is through the Signal app through our dedicated number which is +15124123902

Signal is a free and open-source messaging app with end-to-end encryption, it is available for both Android and iOS. You can set up the service to delete messages from the sender and recipient’s phones after a set amount of time. Keep in mind that any messages you send will be associated with a phone number. So use something like Twilio to obfuscate your identity.

If you would like to reach out to us via Telegram. We do not recommend it for secure messaging. See the reasons below.


Thriller Bitcoin retains strict access control over information submitted via Signal. Only I, Car, will have access to Signal submissions and I may want to contact you to get further information, to check and verify your story. If you wish to send us information without revealing your identity and would like to follow-up with direct contact (using a safe method) to discuss confidentially:

  • We pledge to do our best to protect your identity unless you indicate you wish to waive your anonymity, although we do not recommend that.
  • Be aware that sharing information with Thriller Bitcoin is no guarantee the content will be published, this will only happen in the event that the information is confirmed to be be false.
  • Additionally we do not monitor our Signal line 24 hours a day. Please be patient and allow 24-48 hours for a response. Thank you.