Happy Sat-urday Stackers,
Many of us thought the orange man was shot with an orange pill but it only grazed him. I didn't summarize these this week 'cause it's already late enough. Have a great Sunday!

Top Posts
  1. Joe Biden withdraws his nomination for the 2024 presidential election.
    • 3.2k sats \ 171 comments \ @TomK
  2. Punishment is a Public Good
  3. 🔮 Stackers Predict: August 2024
  4. Introducing Proton Wallet – a safer way to hold Bitcoin | Proton
  5. StatechainJS: fast & free bitcoin transactions -- like ecash but a bit safer
Don't miss

Top meta

Top Stackers
  1. @Undisciplined: 194.4k sats stacked
  2. @k00b: 116.5k sats stacked
  3. @Rsync25: 78.4k sats stacked
  4. @grayruby: 77.8k sats stacked
  5. @Bell_curve: 74.4k sats stacked

Top Spenders
  1. @k00b: 282.9k sats spent
  2. @frostdragon: 100.4k sats spent
  3. @oracle: 100k sats spent
  4. @grayruby: 75k sats spent
  5. @Bell_curve: 63.7k sats spent

Top Cowboys
  1. @k00b: 427 days
  2. @BitcoinIsTheFuture: 324 days
  3. @Undisciplined: 306 days
  4. @OneOneSeven: 299 days
  5. @BlokchainB: 285 days

  1. Everything Engineer #2 \ Stacker News \ Austin or Remote
    all jobs

A guy who works on Stacker News
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