Happy Sat-urday Stackers,
Have a great weekend!
Top Posts
- Why not pass out cashu nuts for Halloween this year?
- REXEARCH : Virtual Size of Onchain Transaction
- @Rexdentron lays out, in great detail, the surprising sizes of various onchain transaction types.
- 22.3k sats \ 10 comments \ @Rexdentron
- Microbolt v2 is here
- Microbolt is a bitcoin software manager and they've released v2.
- 14.7k sats \ 30k boost \ 6 comments \ @doitwithnotepad
- Global Liquidity and Bitcoin
- @CarlBMenger explains liquidity cycles and correlates them with bitcoin's price cycles.
- 2.6k sats \ 16 comments \ @CarlBMenger
- ‘I am not Satoshi Nakamoto’: Subject of HBO documentary denies he invented btc
- The recent HBO documentary "Money Electric" sloppily accuses @petertodd of being Satoshi Nakamoto.
- 2.7k sats \ 25 comments \ @south_korea_ln
Top AMAs
- ⚡️ Geyser AMA
- 25.6k sats \ 63 comments \ @geyserfund
- Ask me anything about Bitcoin in Japan, Diamond Hands etc-AMA with Koji Higashi
- 14.1k sats \ 53 comments \ @kojisan
Upcoming AMAs
- Monday, October 14th: Fountain founder Oscar Merry
- Friday, October 18th: Bitcoin filmmaker Max DeMarco
- Monday, October 21st: Satlantis (not the minecraft-like game) founder Aleks Svetski
Don't miss
- The Disappearance of an Internet Domain
- A Sad, True Tale Of Civil Forfeiture And A Bank "Glitch"
- Trip report: Amsterdam
- Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery | Movie Review
- [Daily puzzle] Probability of ending at 1
- Phoenix Wallet announces support for new LSP protocol (bLIP 35)
- What is a resolution to the divisions in the USA?
- GrapheneOS: Debunking highly misleading and inaccurate article about the Pixel 9
- How to Install Regolancer on Your LND Node
- Blockbuster: Seamless Content Monetization with the Lightning Network
- [Daily puzzle] Find the radius of the circle
- I've Got A New Machine! First Pouch Sewn With It!
- The Satoshi example: What it means to give something to the world
Top meta
- In the last 2 years stacker count has stayed stagnant, but sats stacked DOUBLED!
- After 365 Days, I'm Sitting Pretty On 1.9M sats 🎂
- Should I reply or not to every comment on my posts?
- Stacker News Zen Mode?
- SN release: mathjax, boost hints, wallet log improvements, bio cache, bug fixes
- Two referrals within two weeks! Who’s who at Stacker News
Top Monday meme
Top Friday fun fact
Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins
Top Stackers
- @grayruby: 80.1k sats stacked
- @Coinsreporter: 77.3k sats stacked
- @Undisciplined: 56.3k sats stacked
- @Rsync25: 47.5k sats stacked
- @south_korea_ln: 47.3k sats stacked
Top Spenders
- @DesertDave: 915.4k sats spent
- @grayruby: 143.7k sats spent
- @ek: 129.9k sats spent
- @Bell_curve: 116.4k sats spent
- @south_korea_ln: 116.1k sats spent
Top Cowboys
- @BitcoinIsTheFuture: 400 days
- @Undisciplined: 382 days
- @OneOneSeven: 375 days
- @BlokchainB: 361 days
- @TNStacker: 357 days
Top Boosts
- Everything Engineer #2 \ Stacker News \ Austin or Remote
- Will you help us make the alter_native dream a reality 🙏
- Microbolt v2 is here
- we are launching a "zap powered anonymous e-sim service on nostr"
- 🚀 Exciting News! PREDYX is now in beta! 🎉The future of prediction markets!🔮⚡️
A guy who works on Stacker News
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