Happy Sat-urday Stackers,

Have a great weekend!

Top Posts
  1. Why not pass out cashu nuts for Halloween this year?
    • @jasonb shares his plan to give cashu nuts to his trick or treaters.
    • 22k sats \ 40 comments \ @jasonb
  2. REXEARCH : Virtual Size of Onchain Transaction
    • @Rexdentron lays out, in great detail, the surprising sizes of various onchain transaction types.
    • 22.3k sats \ 10 comments \ @Rexdentron
  3. Microbolt v2 is here
    • Microbolt is a bitcoin software manager and they've released v2.
    • 14.7k sats \ 30k boost \ 6 comments \ @doitwithnotepad
  4. Global Liquidity and Bitcoin
    • @CarlBMenger explains liquidity cycles and correlates them with bitcoin's price cycles.
    • 2.6k sats \ 16 comments \ @CarlBMenger
  5. ‘I am not Satoshi Nakamoto’: Subject of HBO documentary denies he invented btc
    • The recent HBO documentary "Money Electric" sloppily accuses @petertodd of being Satoshi Nakamoto.
    • 2.7k sats \ 25 comments \ @south_korea_ln
Top AMAs
  1. ⚡️ Geyser AMA
  2. Ask me anything about Bitcoin in Japan, Diamond Hands etc-AMA with Koji Higashi
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Top Friday fun fact

Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins


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Top Stackers
  1. @grayruby: 80.1k sats stacked
  2. @Coinsreporter: 77.3k sats stacked
  3. @Undisciplined: 56.3k sats stacked
  4. @Rsync25: 47.5k sats stacked
  5. @south_korea_ln: 47.3k sats stacked

Top Spenders
  1. @DesertDave: 915.4k sats spent
  2. @grayruby: 143.7k sats spent
  3. @ek: 129.9k sats spent
  4. @Bell_curve: 116.4k sats spent
  5. @south_korea_ln: 116.1k sats spent

Top Cowboys
  1. @BitcoinIsTheFuture: 400 days
  2. @Undisciplined: 382 days
  3. @OneOneSeven: 375 days
  4. @BlokchainB: 361 days
  5. @TNStacker: 357 days

Top Boosts
  1. Everything Engineer #2 \ Stacker News \ Austin or Remote
  2. Will you help us make the alter_native dream a reality 🙏
  3. Microbolt v2 is here
  4. we are launching a "zap powered anonymous e-sim service on nostr"
  5. 🚀 Exciting News! PREDYX is now in beta! 🎉The future of prediction markets!🔮⚡️

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A guy who works on Stacker News

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