⚑️ LitDevs was πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Austin Lightning Developers launched at the Bitcoin Commons last nite to a large group of developers who were interested in learning about building on the Lightning Network. Hosted by @niftynei and @empact.

It was also the first time a Lightning Developers Meetup had ever been live streamed.

So def Β πŸ‘€ the video.

Video of the first ever Austin Lightning Devs in Austin, Texas. May 11th, 2022.

Vibes were high in the Mecca last night. We had about a solid 75 people at the Bitcoin Commons. The discussion was primarily about the latest updates in Lightning from the past 30-60 days. We had a great open discussion from @niftynei and @empact along with the lightning devs in the audience. We also had a talk from Michael the founder of Oshi and a surprise appearance from a 🐢 named Tom Brady.

LitDevs was so amazing even pets showed up.

πŸ“¬ LitDevs Meetup 1, May 11 2022 Rundown

This is the entire list w/ links both @niftynei and @empact were going over last nite.

Next one will be held the week of bitcoin++ so make sure to RSVP and also get your tickets to that event here. I imagine the next LitDevs will be wall to wall with Lightning Developers in town.

Next month at Lightning Devs will be a bitcoin++ edition.