Bitcoin Freedom Day - Coming Sept 7th, 2022

On Sept 7, 2022 Bitcoin Freedom Day is celebrating the first anniversary when El Salvador made the move to declare Bitcoin as legal tender. They will be hosting a 3 hour virtual event with keynote speakers, panels, world leaders, musical guests, founders, change-makers, and more to celebrate the anniversary.

Anyone with a smartphone and internet access will be able to attend Bitcoin Freedom Day conference for free.

Bitcoin Freedom Day is fully remote conference that is accessible and free to anyone on Earth with a smartphone. On September 7th Bitcoin Freedom Day will be celebrating a global independence day for current and future generations who are using bitcoin. They will be hosting a 3 hour virtual event with keynote speakers, panels, world leaders, musical guests, founders, change-makers, and more to celebrate the anniversary.

Also on September 6th, Bitcoin Freedom Day is hosting an intimate Bitcoin Roundtable Discussion, attended by world leaders declaring bitcoin legal tender: Guatemala, Libraland, Zimbabwe, and others (who cannot be disclosed at this time) have all confirmed attendance. Interesting enough, this event will take place on the ground in El Salvador; where it all began.

Also if you wish to remain anonymous when registering, feel free to use a nym. See the full list of speakers here.

Update: Keyan and Car just added to the conference